Memory Development Essay Assignment Paper

Memory Development Essay Assignment Paper

Memory Development Essay Assignment Paper

Memory Development Sample

Memory is the information we stored in our brain. There are three types of memory. First is the sensory memory is the shortest term of memory which only last less than a second, it is our ability to hold the information from our 5 senses after we the original stimulus is gone. Short term memory is the information we hold in our mind for a short period which is less than a minute. Long term memory is the information that store in our brain for a long period of time. There are two types of long term memory, which are explicit memory(conscious) and implicit memory(unconscious). Explicit memory is also known as declarative memory which are the memory of experience (episodic memory) and memory of facts (semantic memory). Implicit memory is the memory of skills (procedural memory). [The Human Memory] Memory Development Sample
There are three processes for us to turn the new information into our long term memory. First is encoding, in this process we are perceiving and learning the new information and relate it to past knowledge. Second is consolidation, which is the process to turn the short term memory into long term memory by strengthen the information. Last is retrieved, which is recall the information we storage in our brain when we needed. (McDermott, Roediger)
So far we know how our memory work, so what are somethings that can help us to improve our memory?

Infant memory development” is one of the topics of PSY103 lectures, and is also one of the significant issues in Psychology. Dr. Jane Herbert was the lecturer of this topic and she drew my attention and interest to infant memory development and infantile amnesia. Infantile amnesia is the failure to recall events from babyhood and early childhood (Hayne & Jack, 2010). In other words, according to Henri & Henri (1898 cited in Hayne, 2004), most of the children and adults can only recollect the earliest memory between 2 and 4 years old. Memory Development Sample Early experience is a crucial element in understanding human development as psychologists stated its influences would last for long (Hayne & Jack, 2010). The early experience plays an important role in brain, social, behavioural development (Hayne, 2004). Many scholars and psychologists at or beyond the University of Sheffield has conducted numerous research in this field, and they aimed to study infant memory ability and age-related changes in various kind of aspects with their research impacting society in many ways. In this essay, the academic impacts of psychological research in connection with infant memory development will be discussed first. This will be then followed by the discussion about the social and economic impacts, which benefit the society.

Learning and memory are not unitary processes. Learning is the process by which new information is acquired; memory is the process by which that knowledge is retained. Learning can be divided into two types: 1)Explicit memory is the conscious acquisition of knowledge about people, places and things. It occurs in the highly developed vertebrate brain ,mainly in the diencephalic structure (1). 2) Implicit memory is the non conscious learning of motor skills and other tasks. It does not depend on the temporal lobe, but involves the sensory, motor associated pathways in the expression of learning process. This type of memory can be studied in higher invertebrates whereas explicit learning is only studied in mammals …show more content… Memory Development Sample

The idea behind this is consistent with what a memory mechanism should and can possess. Donald Hebb wrote, “When an axon of cell A…excites cell B and repeatedly takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or more cells so that A ‘s efficiency as one of the cells firing B is increased (4)” Thus, memory is likely to involve a strengthening of synaptic activity. This “Hebb’s rule closely resembles the definition of LTP in that learning is accompanied by an increase in the efficiency of communication between neurons. Memory Development Sample

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