Introduction to Health Care Delivery Essay Assignment Paper

Introduction to Health Care Delivery Essay Assignment Paper

Introduction to Health Care Delivery Essay Assignment Paper

Discussion Week 1: Introduction to Health Care Delivery, Part 1

Is health care a right or a privilege? Well, in my honest opinion it should be a right to all but it looks like it’s becoming a privilege because not everyone can afford it these days. There are plenty of people, poor people, who can’t afford health care. Being a health care professional, I have noticed that upper class and upper-middle classes are the ones who stay in good health for the most part. Poor people don’t get to the hospital until its too late sometimes. That is partly because poor people cannot afford routine yearly examinations or tests. Also, it is getting tougher to locate doctors who take Medicare or Medicaid since they get compensated pennies to dollars. Many physicians don’t want to deal with that. Whereas, upper class or the upper-middle class go to the doctor for anything that makes them seek medical attention. (Knickman and Kovner, 2015, p5) states that, adequate family incomes, high-quality education opportunities, and being socially connected are all key factors that predict the health of a given person. Nurs 6050 Essay Assignments

What role does the government play in U.S health care? I believe that the U.S government plays a major role in the delivery of health care to its population. We have come a long ways from the early days. Most 19th century Americans received health care in their homes, often from family members who relied on traditional healing techniques (Knickman and Kovner, 2015, p31). As the population grew so did new ways of delivering health care to the population. The government had to come up with programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP. However, as I stated in the earlier paragraph, it can get challenging to locate physicians who honor those programs. On another note, the government should make an effort to change the way we pay for health care services: The idea is to encourage value-based purchasing and pay for performance rather than traditional models that provide a preset fee for each service provided Knickman and Kovner, 2015, p49).  Health care is a complex subject in today’s politics. I think it will take quite some time to reshape health care in United States. Nurs 6050 Essay Assignments

There is also a major ethical issue how health care is being delivered in this country. Insurance companies have too much power.  They don’t want to pay or insure for pre existing conditions. Which I think is very unethical in my opinion. Even if one is insured, I have seen instances as a health care professional where insurance companies don’t want to pay for certain diagnostictests just because of the cost, which to me is not ethical. Nurs 6050 Essay Assignments . Even when physicians have an appropriate amount of autonomy in their practice, pressure from administrators and insurance companies leads to a conflict of interest in which the physician is forced to weigh the costs of going against the administration with their own duty to help their patients (Castlen et al., 2017). Physicians should be free to work according to their own professional ethics without financial incentives or fear of damage to their career, as stated in the American Medical Association Code of Medical Ethics (Castlen et al., 2017). 


Knickman, J.R., &Kovner A.R. (2015). The Challenge of Health Care Delivery and Health Policy. In J. Steven (Ed.), Health Care Delivery in the United States. New York , NY : Springer

Joseph P. Castlen., David J. Cote., Wouter A. Moojen., Pierre A. Robe., NaciBalak., JannickBrennum.,…Marike L.D. Broekman. (2017). The Changing Health Care Landscape and Implications of Organizational Ethics on Modern Medical Practice. Retrieved from Nurs 6050 Essay Assignments

Introduction to Health Care Delivery


Nursing leadership is a vast specialty, ranging from undergraduate to graduate school; it differs significantly from a nurse who wants to excel in a healthcare institution, to someone who wanted to specialize in a certain field, or to another individual who wants to work “side by side” with the doctors. According to American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN, 2012), The Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) is a leader in healthcare delivery across all settings, not just in acute care. Implementation of this role will vary across settings.Nurs 6050 Essay Assignments .  It all comes down to one thing. Further education and training are needed to advance and prepare these nurses in delivering quality health care across the spectrum.

One research priority that the IOM noted that particularly applies to me is the Identification of the influence of nursing on important health care decisions at all levels. I would want to be more specific as for the roles of APRN in the hospital setting. My main reason for continuing education towards attaining my Masters in Nursing specializing in Family Nurse Practitioner is the drive to do more for the patients. I have found out that I really wanted to pursue this career when I started working in the Emergency Room and discovered how much more independent I become in using my critical thinking, even though there’s a doctor’s availability 24/7, the setting in ER makes you think three steps ahead, fast paced, with sets of protocols to follow but also very instinctive in nature. Being a competent nurse, most of the time you expect what the doctors are going to order or what treatments will best benefit the patient. I learned to stand up for myself and my judgment and to question the providers if I think that the orders are doubtful. Nurs 6050 Essay Assignments . Then I found myself wanting to do more, especially being around the mid-level practitioners as we call it, our Nurse Practitioners cut ER wait times and speed up the process of ER visits for patients; I know what I wanted to do next, to go back to school and further my education.

Along with the autonomy and authority comes with the challenges of becoming a nurse practitioner, one of which is APRN’s are not as appreciated in the field. I still see physicians that talk down to NP’s or physician specialists that would come to ER, who would not even want to acknowledge their assessment of the patient and would only take it from another fellow physician even though the NP’s are the ones that saw the patient and treated their condition. As per  Schadewaldt, Mcinnes, Hiller and Gardner (2014), “Recent definitions of collaboration in the literature describe it as being based on communication, shared decision-making and the respect and equality of team members. However, research demonstrates a tension between this theoretical ideal and how collaboration between nurse practitioners and medical practitioners occurs in practice. Different socialization processes of the two professions and legislative requirements influence collaborative practice. The way these two professions overcome traditional boundaries and realize collaborative practice in the primary healthcare setting needs to be examined”. Currently, there are not many types of research available regarding this topic that would discuss personal experiences and observation relating to the collaboration of medical practitioners and nurse practitioners. Nurs 6050 Essay Assignments

Also, there are patients would request to “see the doctor” and some that does not give the NP’s much credit because they are “not doctors”. If only the public will be educated by what nurse practitioners do and if only they would notice that most of the NP’s listen and spends more time with them as much as physicians do. According to Sherman and Pross (2010), The establishment of a healthy work environment requires strong nursing leadership at all levels of the organization, but especially at the point of care or unit level where most front line staff work and where patient care is delivered.

Traditionally, nurses have been viewed by the general public as doctor’s assistants that “carry out doctor’s orders” and not as professionals who have independent practice with increased autonomy. To meet the challenges of health care demands and the shortage of experienced nurse leaders, we must “assume primary responsibility for personal and professional growth through efforts that continue individual education and opportunities that develop and advance the exercise of leadership skills” (Porter-O’Grady, 2011). Nurs 6050 Essay Assignments

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