Enacting Communication Change Essay Assignment Paper

Enacting Communication Change Essay Assignment Paper

Enacting Communication Change Essay Assignment Paper

Enacting Communication Change

Part 1: Beginning of the Week (1 paragraph)
For this CCC, you should have chosen a person with whom you share regular communication. So, you should have a few occasions this week to apply your plan. Under this heading for your submission, write down what you project will be your opportunities to implement your plan. You need to be on the look-out for when you will be putting your plan into place.

Part 2: Middle of the Week (1-2 paragraphs)
In this section, you will describe the setting and people involved in your exchange that was your implementation of your CCC plan. Include enough details so that the process of the exchange is understood.Enacting Communication Change

Part 3: End of the Week
Under this heading, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the process that you went through for your Communication Change Challenge. Use the following sub-section headings for your responses (see template). You will evaluate the impact of the project as it relates to interpersonal communication and the course objectives (COs). It is important here that you clearly demonstrate your understanding of the course concepts through application to your course project.Enacting Communication Change

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Remember that your patterns for communicating interpersonally have been developed over many years. Therefore, you should be neither surprised nor discouraged to find that changing your interpersonal communication behavior takes time. In order for you to take this project to its fullest potential, you may need to continue to modify, implement, and reinforce these new behaviors for far longer than the duration of the project. It is possible, however, to modify the way you communicate because the payoff is improvement to our communication and relationship outcomes. Changing interpersonal communication for the better is worth the effort.

3A. Topic Selection Reflection (1 paragraph)
What course material did you use to help guide your particular communication change? Cite the information you found helpful as you write your paragraph summary of texts used.Enacting Communication Change

3B. Implementation Analysis: Satisfaction (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes particularly pleased you?

3C. Implementation Analysis: Dissatisfaction (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes particularly displeased you.

3D. Implementation Analysis: Additional Changes (1 paragraph)
Consider the implementation of your new approach to communication and share which of your communication changes you still want to work on.

Note: For each section, be detailed and specific. You need to use several course materials from different chapters, course outcomes, videos, assessments, articles, etc. Your course project evaluation will be graded for comprehensive content, analysis evaluation, application of the course material, organization, and so forth. Please consider its weight when you place value on its importance to your final course grade.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page (minimum of 2 citations from course materials)

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