Domain of Nursing Practice Essay Assignment Paper

Domain of Nursing Practice Essay Assignment Paper

Domain of Nursing Practice Essay Assignment Paper

What is Caring? Caring can be described in many different ways. One demonstration of caring is when a nurse at a hospital helps those who are physically ill become well again. Caring also practices involvement in the connection, mutual recognition and involvement between nurse and client. “The Community Health Nursing: Caring in Action” (1999) defines “those assistive, enabling, supportive, or facilitative behaviors toward or for another individual or group to promote health, prevent disease, and facilitate healing”(p.6). Another definition from another author such as (Harkreader, 2000) wrote, sees caring as a universal behaviour observed in human beings and influenced by Society, culture, values and gender”(p.1450). Thus, nurses would …show more content… Domain of Nursing Practice 

It is a good way of showing patients that you are there and they will know you are present during their stay and recovery. This would demonstrate presence and how its important to their patients. As a result, nurses could also demonstrate the touch factor as a comforting approach to reach out and support by making contact with the patients and letting them know you are there. Another way to demonstrate caring is through the listening factor. The listening factor demonstrates caring by bringing the nurse’s full attention and interest to the patient, creating trust and having communication between you and the patient. As an example, for nurses to have relevance, adaptability, humor, good posture and facial expressions toward their patients. It also involves reaching out to other individuals of the patient, such as their family members or close friends as it can be difficult at times taking in patient information. All these various duties are performed on a daily basis by nurses as caregivers. Nurse as a caregiver Caregiving is one of the ethical concepts of nursing practice. Historical nurses and nurses of today play an important role as caregivers. Over thousands of years, nurses have been the ideal professional health care workers involved in giving care to the poor and sick populations. Domain of Nursing Practice

The values of nursing are acquired during socialization into nursing code of ethics, nursing experience, teachers and peers. Watson (1982, pp 20-21) outlined four important values of nursing; strong commitment to service, belief in the dignity and worth of each person, commitment to education and professional autonomy. Nursing education, concepts and programs for improving the knowledge in health facility are provided to maintain moral, theoretical and clinical values in the health setting Socalsy, 2008).

The personal values of a person depends on the richness or intensity of the inculcation of knowledge, positive values and skills not simply based on the innate capacity of one to evaluate, think, reason and interact in a learning situation but the availability moral standards. It also equally depends on the quality of personal experiences which are either limited by the person’s ability and will to choose or by what is desirable to her which is readily accessible in the environment (Craney, 2008).

Health is valued automatically by an individual regardless of the existence of other personal priorities and values. People value health as important priority despite other things. Health considered as a good individual experience (Socalsy, 2008). Domain of Nursing Practice

Environmental Values is concerned mainly with the justification and basis of policy regarding the environmental. Its objective is to bring together the law, philosophy, economics contributions, which can be relate to the current and future of human environment and other living things; and to clearly understand the relationship between more fundamental underlying assumptions or assumptions and practical policy issues (Craney, 2008).

The key to successful knowledge development is competent learning and effective communication during the practice to achieve the goal of competency. This will determine the path of being an effective and competent nursing professional. This is where the teaching and learning best occurs (Aikon, 2009).

Approved practical or vocational nursing programs (LPN) are provided by community colleges, vocational schools, hospitals, or other independent health agencies. These programs usually last 9 or 12 month and provide both classroom and clinical experiences. License Practical nurse practices under the supervision of a registered nurse in a nursing home, clinics, hospital or rehabilitation. Taeching best occurs in this level through formal classroom instruction, students learned by doing, that is, providing care to clients in hospitals. Associate degree programs (AND) are offered in the Unted States primarily in community colleges although some 4-year colleges also have AND programs. Domain of Nursing Practice The graduating student receives an AND or an associate of arts (AA) or associate in applied science (AAS0 degree with a major in nursing. Learning best occurs in through provision of specific information about type of knowledge, skills, and abilities of ADN’s education program. ADN’s currently function under the same practice acts as BSN graduates. Today’s baccalaureate nursing programs (BSN) are located in 4-year colleges and universities and are 4 to 5 years in length. The curricula offer courses in the liberal arts, sciences, humanities and nursing. Graduates must fulfill both the degree requirements of the schools or universities and the nursing program before being awarded a baccalaureate degree (Silber, 2003). The BSN program meet the learning needs of students through challenges and opportunity to pursue a self-paced, independent study or online programs. Master’s degree program (MSN) provides specialized knowledge and skills that enable nurses to assume advanced roles in practice, education, administration and research. Today’s master’s program generally takes one and half to two years to complete. Learning best occurs in MSN program through provision of specialized knowledge and skills that enable student to have an advanced knowledge in practice (Aikon, 2009).

Nurses are expected to possess leadership skills, critical thinking ability, health promotion and case management skills in teaching. Their ability to be competitive in teaching satisfies a variety of learning. Domain of Nursing Practice This improves knowledge as well as educational requirement, nursing practice and patient outcomes (Giovanetti, 2007). They provide sufficient information that will aid policymakers, practice leaders and researchers to recognize that entry level education makes a difference in nurses’ practice. Nurses should make them aware of every situation happening in the field and make it a motivational means to improve the profession by proper preparation and education. Possession of knowledge and competency in teaching interventions which can be acquired in hands on training is essential in practicing the profession (Silber, 2003).

Goals for the first year of teaching includes; embracing of personal ethic of social responsibility and service, apply new knowledge of sciences, understand the role of primary care and continue to learn and help others (Aikon, 2009). Domain of Nursing Practice

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