Care plan for 3yrs old African American female with extrinsic asthma Essay Assignment Paper

Care plan for 3yrs old African American female with extrinsic asthma Essay Assignment Paper

Care plan for 3yrs old African American female with extrinsic asthma Essay Assignment Paper

Care plan for 3yrs old African American female with extrinsic asthma, with acute exacerbation.

NUR 4225- Pediatric Health Nursing


Student Name: Week: Dates of Care:

Patient Demographics and Medical Diagnosis




Sex Age Date of Birth Room Medical Diagnosis: 



Birth History: 



Prior Hospitalizations:
Prior Surgeries: 



Immunization Status: 






Code Status: BMI: 



Height with Percentile: 



Weight with Percentile: 



Head Circumference (if age appropriate) with Percentile: 



Language Barriers: 



Ethnic Origin and Race: 



Spiritual/Religious influences: 



Tests, treatments and interventions impacting clinical day’s care: 



Health Beliefs/Practices (include how they use the health care delivery system, any “folk practices” or at home remedies they try before consulting with RN or MD, use of OTC meds, etc.): 



Growth and Development:

Identify expected physical, cognitive and psychosocial stages of development: 



Compare patient development to expected age/developmental stage and report any deviations: 



Erickson’s Stage of Development: 



Supporting Assessments: 



Piaget’s Stage of Development: 



Supporting Assessments: 



Identify Expected Body Image Changes Associated with the Patient’s Developmental Age: 



Modifying Approaches to Care in Accordance with the Patient’s Developmental Stage: 



Evaluating the Patient’s Achievement of Expected Developmental Level and Milestones: 



Socialization (family & peer relationships, discipline, play): 


Saftey Assessment and Interventions: 



Discharge planning (what will the pt/family need to be successful caring for the pt at home) and Teaching Needs (Disease process, medications, safety, style, barriers): 



Discharge Plan: 


Teaching Needs: 



Nursing Diagnoses

List the top 3 nursing diagnoses for this patient. Use NANDA format (diagnosis, related to, as evidenced by) and place the diagnoses in their priority order. Briefly discuss the rationale for this priority order. Use nursing diagnosis that relate to the patient’s growth and development.Care plan for 3yrs old African American female with extrinsic asthma, with acute exacerbation.

Priority Nursing Diagnosis Related to As Evidence By Rationale

Nursing Management and Intervention

Select the two highest priority nursing diagnoses (related to growth and development) and complete the following table.Care plan for 3yrs old African American female with extrinsic asthma, with acute exacerbation.

Nursing Diagnosis:Care plan for 3yrs old African American female with extrinsic asthma, with acute exacerbation.

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