Analyze how Freud’s ideas explain Steve’s behavior Essay Assignment Paper

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Analyze how Freud’s ideas explain Steve’s behavior Essay Assignment Paper

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following:

Briefly explain Freud’s views on the levels and structure of personality in general.
Analyze how Freud’s ideas explain Steve’s behavior. In your answer, be sure to identify the stage of psychosexual development in which Steve is likely fixated.
Based on what you have studied so far, evaluate how well you think psychoanalytic theories explain human behavior in general.
reference sigmund freud “steve” case study
usage of the language. Sometimes DSLs are not executable; they are designed for documentation only. In these cases, the guideline which demands to avoid inef- ficient elements in the language (No. 13) is of course not meaningful. However, for languages which are translated into running code, this is of high importance.

A last point we want to discuss here are the costs induced

by applying the guidelines. Some of them can be imple- mented easily and straightforward (e.g., distinguishability of elements or permitting comments, No. 16 and 18) whilst others require a significant amount of work (e.g., introduc- tion of references between files including appropriate reso- lution mechanisms and symbol tables, No. 19). Of course, especially guidelines whose implementation is cost intensive have to be matched against project settings as described above. For small DSLs such guidelines should be ignored in- stead as the cost will often not amortize the improvements. However, from our experiences DSLs are often subject to changes. While growing these guidelines become more and more important. The main problem which emerges in these cases is that adding new things to a grown language (e.g., modularity) is typically more difficult and time-consuming than it would have been at the beginning. Therefore, ana- lyzing the domain and usage scenarios as described in Guide- lines 1 and 2 can prevent those unnecessary costs.

4. CONCLUSION In this paper 26 guidelines have been discussed that should

be considered while developing domain specific languages. To our experience this set of guidelines is a good basis for developing a language. For space reasons, we restricted our- selves to guidelines for designing the language itself. Other guidelines are needed for successfully integrating DSLs in a software development process, deploying it to new users, and evolving the syntax and existing models in a coherent way.

In general, a guideline should not be followed closely, but many of them are proposals as to what a language designer should consider during development. Some of the guidelines have to be discussed in certain domains, because they might not have the same relevance and as discussed many guide- lines contradict each other and the language developer has to balance them appropriately.

But generally, the consideration of explicitly formulated guidelines is improving language design. We also think that it is worthwhile to develop much more detailed sets of con- crete instructions for particular DSLs. We currently focus on textual languages in the spirit of Java.

Although we have compiled this list from literature and our own experience, we are sure that this list is not com- plete and has to be extended constantly. In addition, guide- lines might change during time as developers gather more experience, tools become more elaborate, and taste changes. Maybe some guidelines are not relevant anymore in a few years, as some guidelines from the 1970’s are less important today.

Acknowledgment: The work presented in this paper is partly undertaken in the MODELPLEX project. MOD- ELPLEX is a project co-funded by the European Commis- sion under the“Information Society Technologies”Sixth Frame- work Programme (2002-2006). Information included in this document reflects only the authors’ views. The European Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.

5. REFERENCES [1] Antlr Website

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